Category Archives: using namespace fantasy;

Error: namespace full. Delete existing toon to reclaim decent name? [Y/N]

Anyone interested in a wide area distributed genetic oh, let’s call it a Fantasy Name Generator

With a fun fun fun! Fitness function!

Copyright (C) June 25, 2011 by Thowi
All rights reserved.
// No Noobs! I will hurt your brain!

I’m not going to sketch any source code just yet, but I have an idea for a fantasy (or whatever) name generator. It uses a kind of genetic algorithm. It uses certain complicated algorithms[knuth] to create a large search space of possible names. Now this needs some work so you don’t end up with names like ‘Qj34lii’ or ‘Legooooloops’ or ‘Thowi’, so it’s going to take a bit of work to define fatal mutations.

But one thing that would be really nice, is to play a game over twitter, and allow people to ‘rate’ names (for various ‘traits’) and data mine the heck out of that to train an artificial neural network to become the fitness function to run that thing somewhere all by its self[runonsentencesarerequiredforstuffycomputerresearch].

Anyone interested in that? I know of at least one big MMO company that is running out of fantasy name space.

Love you! The Evil Computer Scientist, Thowi!