Category Archives: Viral Marketing Software Development

Using the super secret proprietary technologies of NLP and LISP…

Ah man, when am I going to learn to keep my mouth shut… Just tell everyone on the Internet.

Too late. Just have to exploit it and see how funny it gets!

Neuro Lingustic Programming and Internet Marketing Culture

How someone is making way too much money… with the Internet!

I’ve been, oh let’s just call it researching, how people that sell some of the craziest stuff on the Internet get it done. I have a lot of people I want to just gossip about on here, but we’ll start with this one, weird thing:

This one trademarketer is quite good at getting his target audience to buy his product. I find it just fascinating, because I bet a lot of his customers are geeks. At least, most of his customer’s do seem to be really smart and successful.

But that got me to thinking… I wonder how much this marketer is worth? After studying for a while, I learned something very interesting. While he’s a genius at marketing, he’s really just a neuro-psychology hacker! Bet some of you guys out there trying to learn marketing have heard of NLP.

Wonder if he teaches the marketing part anywhere?


Of course, we all know Wikipedia is unreliable because it’s open source…