My definition of gambling

Copyright (C) June 20, 2011
by Thowi

While working on my thesis, I learned some top-secret scary government voodoo math called lambda calculus.

I’m going to do a blog post on that subject later, but I want to talk about poker for right now.

You see, poker is really a very, very simple game.  (I know TCP/IP baby.)

It only requires some very simple statistics done with just whole numbers…  And I can do scary voodoo math in my head.

So my definition of gambling:

How I take money from people who can’t do math.  With Poker!

Of course there is this other fun game I’m interested in that uses fractions!

If I can get some research money, in about 6 months I’m going to write a book:

How to Hack Hold ‘Em with VooDoo: An NLP Language in Lisp

Game Theory and Financial Risk Analysis:
An Introduction With Poker

A Text book for a university level computer science course I would like to teach… with Lisp.
But it’s a language for thought… I’m not sure how to describe it just yet.

Thinking about starting a company…

Posted on June 19, 2011, in Grok Poker and PWN. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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